A phenomenon that has been sweeping the world today is the reversal or switching of gender roles that contradict the long-standing belief that God made man and woman with the sex they were born into. The birth of a child was heralded an event to be celebrated.

     On October 3, 2022, Immanuel Baptist Church opened its Ladies’ Fall Conference with the theme “God Made Me... Woman”. It was meant to highlight the role that women played in the plan of God to accomplish His purposes. It does not matter what man thinks, it is God that counts. We may stumble and fall in our Christian walk, but He will always be there to lift us. We are also reminded that 1) we are the salt of the earth, intended to preserve life. Matt 5:13; 2) we are the light in a darkened world, ready to proclaim God’s sacrificial love. Matt 5:14; 3) we are to serve one another, sharing our time and resources to be a blessing to the brethren. Gal. 5:13b; 4) we are the clay; He is the potter. Let Him mold us into His masterpiece. Romans 9:21,23; and 5) believe and cherish the Bible as God’s Word, living, powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. Heb. 4:12

    One of the highlights of this year’s conference was the appearance of the lovable duo of Geraldine and Ricky. Geraldine, a Christian ventriloquist has partnered with Ricky, a 42-inch bass wood dummy for over 50 years. Her quick wit and enthusiasm have catapulted her into the ranks of world-famous Christian ventriloquists. She has worked along- side the E.J. Daniels and Jerry Spencer Evangelistic Associations, and a guest in the Gaither and Charles Stanley live shows, and numerous churches all over the United States and worldwide. Accepting and trusting Christ as her personal Savior as a teenager at a youth camp became the turning point in her life. Because of her talents, she was offered a lucrative career at Disneyland which she politely declined. “Here am I, Lord, use me” became her rallying cry in full-time Christian service.

      In 1972, she married David Ragan, a professional golfer who has participated and received recognition in the PGA and in the Senior PGA. Unfortunately, at 82, he went home to be with the Lord. They have two sons and two grandchildren. She now lives in Alabama.

      Geraldine is a shining example of a true Christian; she exudes a peaceful aura and demeanor that speaks of her testimony. Baring her heart, she shared her innermost thoughts and feelings about what she has learned. 1) Never quit. As Ricky would have said, “Wake up, get up after you fall; 2) Love people where they are. Don’t attempt to change them. Accept them as they are, and God will do the rest; 3) Share with others what God has done for you. This is the most effective personal testimony of God’s love and faithfulness; 4) Empathize with people’s situations and feelings. Pray with them and commit them to the Lord: and 5) God allows trials to come our way for a reason. Trust Him with all your heart. To summarize her life, Jesus would say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant ... enter thou into the joy of the Lord.” Matt. 25:21

      Another featured artist in this conference was Lois Jane Wallace, an outstanding Christian wife and grandmother, gospel singer, speaker and author. A multitalented lady, she has been an inspiration to many in Christian circles. Her resume reads like a script to highlight the fact that God can use anybody beyond our wildest expectations.

      Thank you to our Chairwoman, Sandi Gress, for a wonderful conference and to everyone who had a part in planning, serving, setup and cleanup. Your invaluable service is very much appreciated and last but not least, to the many ladies who came and recognized the importance of women as God created them to be.

LADIES CONFERENCE 2022 - By Ludy Harbaugh

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